All hunts require a $500 deposit, per person and last 3 Days / 4 Nights
Price: Currently Unavailable

Elk (Brackettville)
Price: $3,195 – Male
This is a high fence hunt, and we kill 3 to 4 a year and are
not near as big as our Marfa elk.
Mouflon, Black Hawaiian, Texas Dall, Desert Paint, Corsican Rams, and some other sheep.
Price: $2,195
All Predators (Mountain Lion, Bobcat, Coyote, Fox) are FREE with above hunts
At Brackettville, there are four guest houses, which will accommodate small or large groups. All guest houses are equipped with refrigerators, ranges, microwaves, cooking utensils, showers, air conditioning, heat, bedding and linens, washers, dryers and outdoor grills.
Special Packages
Brackettville Quail Hunt (WILD bob white and blue quail)
Requirements: 5 hunters
Price: $250 per day per hunter
Whitetail Buck Hunt
Prices: $2,295 (November – December)
Additional Buck is $1,895
Package: Buck (8+ points), 1 Doe, 1 Turkey, 1 Hog

Hancock Trophy Hunt
Price: $3,495
Requirements: Must previously have booked a hunt with us.
Package: 1 Buck (8+ point), 1 Doe, 1 Turkey, 1 Hog
Sellers Trophy Hunt
Price: $3,295
Requirements: Must previously have booked a hunt with us.
Package: Buck (8+ points)1 Turkey, varmint and Hog