Texas Location: Brackettville Ranch
Country of Origin: Southwestern USA – Rio Grande River
Name Variations: Wild Turkey

The landscape on our Brackettville Ranch is a perfect habitat for not only high populations of Rio Grange Turkey, but big mature gobblers. To supplement their natural food sources, turkeys enjoy picking corn at our 100 deer feeder stations and drinking from our multiple water stations.
There are also numerous live oak draws throughout the property, which are used as roosting areas by resident turkeys. Several irrigated center pivot systems provide additional water, which generates forbs, seeds, and insects for turkeys.
The main Ranch consists of 10,000 acres, two miles North of Brackettville on FM 674. There is also another ranch of about 8,400 acres 10 miles northwest of our main ranch. Rio Grande Turkeys can be found at both locations in great numbers.

Our guests enjoy an extremely high success rate (close to 100%) with many hunters taking more than one gobbler. Hens average in the 8 to 12-pound range and the male gobblers reach 20-pounds at maturity with many getting bigger due to the availability of food on our ranch.
Spring turkey season for the ranch in 2020 is March 21st through May 3th.