Texas Location: Marfa Ranch
Country of Origin: Central USA & Canada
Name Variations: Prongbuck, Antilope Goat, American Antelope
Package: By Permit Only; Please contact for Price

The Pronghorn, sometimes referred to as the American Antelope, is the fastest indigenous land animal in North America as well as having extraordinary senses, which include hawk-like eyesight and acute sense of smell. To harvest a Pronghorn is to take home the satisfaction that you have mastered your hunting skills and your patience has rewarded you.
Pronghorns prefer the open country where their speed is their greatest advantage. Our Marfa Ranch, which has over 40,000 acres of rolling grasslands, is in the middle of some of the highest concentrations of Pronghorns in Texas. Our guests enjoy an extremely high success rate, which is not seen in other parts of the country. We strategically place our tree stands in areas where we know the Pronghorn like to graze.
It is not uncommon for our hunting guests to see large herds of 25 to 75 animals with males in the 100 to 145 pound range. If you are new to Pronghorn hunting, then it’s a lot more fun hunting these beautiful animals if you know what to look for.

Horns under 14-inches are usually a pass by experienced Pronghorn Hunters. A 14-inch horn is considered a nice animal. 15 to 16-inch horns are the more desirable length and account for most of the Pronghorns harvested on our ranch. 17-inch horns are considered trophies by most hunters. 18-inch horns are outstanding and getting close to the world record pronghorn, which was taken by Dylan M. Woods. It had a left horn of 18 5/8-inches and a right horn of 19 3/8-inches.
* In Texas, Pronghorn hunting is by permit only. Please contact us for details.